To drink or not to drink: 10 facts for and against alcohol

facts for and against alcohol

Alcohol is a highly controversial topic that has traditionally been the subject of much debate. Consider the pros and cons of spirits.

Ini or not to drink is the question. This is an eternal dilemma that never loses its relevance. Against the background of the widespread promotion of a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition, this issue has become even more topical.

In general, moderate alcohol consumption, such as a few glasses of dry red wine, not only does not have a negative effect on human health, but, on the contrary, contributes to improving the functioning of certain organs. But if you abuse strong drinks, the consequences can be the most tragic.

Let's talk about the main advantages and disadvantages of alcohol consumption. The choice is yours!

Pro: relaxes and relieves tension

Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages can help relieve tension and relax. Of course, it’s just a few glasses of wine or a glass of another strong drink. Combined with delicious, nutritious foods, alcohol truly removes the symptoms of stress and chronic fatigue. It is important to know when to stop and stop the recommended dose.

Disadvantages: causes cirrhosis of the liver

Drinking large amounts of alcohol leads to many organ dysfunctions. The liver suffers the most. Drinking alcohol can have serious consequences. For example, it can cause liver cirrhosis. This process means that healthy liver cells are destroyed and replaced by fibrous tissues. As a result, this body can no longer perform its functions.

Pro: Draws closer

Alcohol is the link to a large company. If you see the majority of those present for the first time in your life, you can’t do it without embarrassment and protracted breaks. You can enlist the help of alcohol to avoid them, make friendships, and create a cheerful atmosphere. It is not necessary to hold an alcohol marathon at all. After a glass of wine, everyone feels more comfortable.

Disadvantages: Hangover Syndrome Accompanying

advantages and disadvantages of alcoholic beverages

A hangover syndrome may occur the day after consuming alcoholic beverages. There is nothing pleasant about this disease. He falls out of his normal rhythm of life all day and tries to cope with the symptoms of a hangover. These include severe dry mouth and dehydration, hellish headaches, nausea, digestive problems, and eye pain. It is not entirely wise to make such sacrifices for the sake of alcohol.

Benefits: French paradox

Everyone knows the so-called French paradox. The French consume enough high-calorie food, wash it with wine, and rarely suffer from cardiovascular disease. The wonderful effect of wine is still debated, but the fact is: dry red wine in moderation is really very beneficial for the body.

Disadvantages: negatively affects digestion

Alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system. This is due to the fact that body poisoning occurs and is often quite difficult to cleanse. Dehydration, in turn, contributes to the fact that metabolic processes are disrupted and metabolism slows down. Therefore, try to drink enough clean drinking water while drinking alcohol.

Benefits: Good for the heart and blood vessels

Moderate alcohol consumption, especially dry red wine, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by fifty percent. This is the conclusion reached by American scientists in recent studies. However, it is important not to overdo it here, because alcohol also raises blood pressure, which, on the contrary, can be the cause of such diseases.

Disadvantages: leads to alcohol dependence

opinions for and against alcoholic beverages

Alcohol is no different from drugs. Subtly addictive. If it’s not sports and an active lifestyle that alcohol tends to relieve stress, then it seems to be the only solution to any problem. This view is fundamentally wrong. This is how addiction usually develops, which can become a cause of alcoholism.

Benefits: Good for the brain

Some researchers say moderate doses of alcohol can improve brain function. Drinking alcohol wisely reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease.

Against: appearance deteriorates

If you are abusing alcohol, be prepared for it to cease to appear soon. Dark circles and bags under the eyes, dull skin, red eyes and a sunken look are guaranteed even if you only drink every weekend. It's just a matter of time.